Saturday, 12 January 2013

H is for Hoplite.

The beginning of 2013 marks a return to the classical era here at HGA Towers, in the interests of my own sanity (and eyesight) I've decided to take a break from painting webbing & frogging and instead concentrate on finishing the two boxes of Victrix hoplites I bought last year. Sadly I neglected to consider that this involves painting pteruges so the descent into cross eyed madness continues un-abated.

These fellows are destined to be used recreating the Battle of Crannon c. 321BC where an alliance of Greek city states led by Athens challenged the rule of Macedon following the death of Alexander. Hence the hoplons above featuring the bull of Phokis, one of Athens allies during the Lamian War.
Theres quite a bit of work to do before the project comes to fruition, once another 60 odd hoplites are finished there are peltasts & Thessalian cavalry to consider, not to mention various Asiatic auxiliary types to round out the Macedonian force.


  1. They are looking great, crossed eyes or not!

  2. Superb work again, HGA. Love the details on the linothorax and battle worn shield designs. Also, don't forget "P" is for peltast. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean, P is also for pteruges, a fact I am reminded of with every stroke of the brush.
      Regards HGA.

  3. Those are looking great - especially the shields. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out, especially what you make of the OOB for Crannon.


    1. Thanks Mr Hotspur, the OOB is still somewhat up in the air but I will persevere.
      Regards HGA.
